Wall Auctioneers invites you to attend our upcoming
SAT. JUNE 26TH, 2010
PREVIEW 8:30-10:00
Nice auction sale of antiques, collectibles & misc. from various local estates. All to be sold to the highest bidder with no reserves. Included in the auction: Shaker Rocker, 1950’s Portable Singer Sewing machine with zig-zag attachment, Lead Crystal Vases, Cranberry Glass Pitcher w/6 cut cranberry glasses, Lenox porcelain Swan green mark, English transferware, Blue Willow dishes, Thimble collection, JEWELRY: old Mexican Sterling Silver brooches, 1920’s jewelry, Sterling jewelry, watches, 14K cameo, lots of costume jewelry, Jewelry boxes-new and old, 1960’s Dollhouse & lots of dollhouse furniture, Judy Ann porcelain doll, Large Composition Dolls, Copper molds, teapots, canisters & old copper kitchen items, many brass items, Admiral Fitzroy Storm Glass Barometer, pair of Leaded Crystal Table lamps, 20+ Petersboro woven baskets, 7 Claire Murray woven baskets, old fishing gear, new golf balls, small antique grain/bean sorter, Antique Dresser Boxes, Old Padlocks, Set of Presidential Spoons in case, Cast iron Coffee Grinders, Antique Oak Telephone, TOYS: steam engine, dolls, 1800’s doll carriage, toy cast iron stove, tin truck, toy guns, Budweiser Clydesdale Horse & Wagon Team model in display case, 20 Mule Team Wagon Train in display case, Robert. E. Lee Sidewheeler in display case, PHOTOGRAPHY: Daguerrotypes, Stereographs, Stereoviewer, Kodak folding bellows cameras, Kodak Kodascope Eight Model 50 Projector, Mining photographs, NATIVE AMERICAN: Hupa Indian Baskets, Tradebeads, Photographs, Grinding bowls & stones, Antique Lightbulbs, Miner’s Scale in case, Mining books, Civil War Era Harper’s magazines, Many early 1900’s Magazines, Early 1800’s New Testament, Jacksonville Letter from 1892, Pinto Colvig 78’s, 1901 Cram’s World Atlas, Telegraph Set, Old Leather Plow Harness, 19th c. Lemaire Binoculars, KITCHEN: Old Tin Breadbox, Spice containers, Old Jugs & Crocks, Cast iron cookware, Wooden Butter Mold, Majolica Plates, Sadirons, Flatirons, 50 pcs. Gainsborough Crown Ducal, England circa 1929, Victorian silverplate Chocolate Pot with creamer & sugar, 1880’s Eaton’s Spoke Tenoning Machine, Antique Tools, Horse Shoeing Tools, Barber items, Trumpet, New: Christopher Radko Glass Ornaments, Kirk’s Folly jewelry & collectibles, quilt, etc, etc.
- 2 Hupa & 1 Porcupine quill Indian Basket