Antique Auction
Saturday, January 22
330 N. Fir
Medford, OR
Preview: Friday 1/21 12:00pm-4:00pm
Sat. 1/22 9:00am-10:00am
Auction begins at 10:00am Sharp!
Punched tin pie safe, cylinder desk, Victorian oak dresser with mirror, Oak bentwood settee, platform rocker, 2 piece carved oak sideboard, ornate oak hall mirror, sewing cabinet, walnut quilt rack, walnut rocker, slave chair, 19th cent. wooden camera tripod, oak medicine cabinet, fluting iron, wicker tea cart, spinning wheel, 55″ walnut loom with bench, good selection of large framed engravings, cast iron Arcade 1931 International stake truck, walnut regulator clock, Chelsea Ship’s Clock & Barometer, Steuben butterfly vase, New England glass witch ball, antique chinese brass iron, Kirk & Sons sterling repousee knives, hand carved twist shaft cane, cloissonne ginger jars, vase, horses & covered dish, Appalachian table, Scottish Walnut table, 2 sets of 6 Victorian dining chairs in walnut, small 5 drawer side chest, very good dome trunk with fitted interior, woodenware, copper, sadirons, Griswold cast iron muffin pan, children’s wooden shoe forms,1924 Acme egg scale, many sewing & weaving items, Original Maxfield Parrish prints in frames, lots of books-many on Native American basket making and rug weaving, 71 pcs. Adams “Singapore Bird” china set, glass paperweights, numerous mannequins & mannequin parts
- Waldo S. Chase 1895-1988 rare color woodcut “Whither?”
- Carol Grigg Dyptich, Portland OR artist
- part 2 of dyptic
- Deborah Hiatt signed & double matted print
- Set of six Victorian walnut dining chairs
- Very large light bulb!
- detail of Victorian chair
- Pair of ornately carved Victorian walnut chairs
- detail of Victorian chair from set of six
- Set of six finely carved Victorian chairs
- Three hand woven women’s bags
- Mannequin #3
- Mannequin #2
- Mannequin #1
- 19th C. Etching
- 19th C. engraving
- one of 3 19th c. engravings
- 19th C. engraving
- 19th C. Walnut regulator wall clock
- Set of six reproduction chairs
- 1800’s Scottish walnut table, single drawer
- Oak drop front desk top with fitted interior and lower drawer
- interior of oak desk top
- Primitive Appalachian side table
- Detail of oak dresser
- Three drawer serpentine front oak dresser with griffin head motif
- 19th C. cylinder desk with roll up revealing fitted interior
- 19th C. cylinder desk
- Damascus sewing machine interior
- Damascus sewing machine
- 5 drawer fruitwood chest 30″ h
- Walnut platform rocker
- Maple spinning wheel
- Oak side table
- 1920’s wicker tea cart
- Victorian caned rocker
- Walnut rocker
- 19th C. domed trunk with ornate interior
- Closed dome trunk
- Pressed back oak bench, dragon motif, 43″ w
- Solid oak hall mirror, 36.5″w
- Paperweights
- Kraut Kutter 23″t
- Porcelain doll
- 18th C. copper kettle
- New England hand blown witches ball 2 3/4″d
- Steuben butterfly vase
- Victorian dominoes set
- Oak flag holder
- Spanish hand painted & lacquer flag
- Wool carding tools
- Spinning & weaving tools
- Antique christening gown
- Porcelain Nefratiti bust
- Yellow ware porta potty
- Chinese brass coal iron
- Chinese cloisonne
- Pair of large cloisonne ginger jars
- Cloisonne horses
- 6 Kirk & Sons sterling repousse fruit knives
- Good group of middle eastern & American washed copper
- Primitive style wooden carved fish & mermaid
- Oak Medicine cabinet
- Large 19th C. wooden tripod
- Pair of ice cream stools
- “Slave Chair” oak & woven seat
- Nilus Leclerc “Dorothy” table loom
- Wicker sewing basket
- French ivory & sterling notepad cover, 2.5 x 4.4
- Group of antique sewing items
- Book-Shakespeare, Boston, 1857
- Shakespeare book cover
- Box of antique sewing attachments & more
- Books on American Indian basket making
- Native American weaving books
- Weaving books
- Books on Navajo rug weaving
- Weaving books
- Trays- old tole painted & one modern repro chicken
- Tall stretch glass vase
- Group of Ball & Atlas canning jars
- Misc. tin, iron & enamel items
- Maxfield Parrish “Wild Geese”
- Maxfield Parrish “The Canyon” 10.5 x 13.5
- Maxfield Parrish
- 1921 Morgan Silver dollar & 1922 Peace dollar
- Marrionette
- Early 1900’s mohair teddy bear, eyes missing, 9″
- Group of porcelain doll parts & clothing
- Chinese porcelain vase
- Brass & turquoise box
- 1879 fluting iron
- 1924 Acme egg scale
- Old wooden rolling pins
- Chelsea Ship’s Barometer
- Chelsea Ship’s strike clock, 5.5″d
- Wooden round box
- Children’s wooden shoe forms
- Sad irons
- Walnut quilt rack
- Sewing stand
- Interior of sewing stand
- Side of punch tin on pie safe
- Primitive Pie Safe
- Detail of oak breakfront
- English oak breakfront, 70″t x 55w 7 19d