Category Archives: News
This Saturday and Sunday 12/10-11 we are featuring a “Make an Offer” weekend. This means you can come by and make an offer on any item you like and chances are you may go home with your item at very good price!
Huge On-line Ephemera Auction
INTERNET AUCTION – ON LINE BIDDING Local preview: Thursday February 2nd 1- 4pm
Postcards, Vintage Fruit Crate & Canning Labels, Tradecards, Advertising, Victorian Valentines, Marbles
Includes thousands of vintage postcards dating from 1900 through the 1960’s. Every type of postcard represented from early undivided backs, real photo post cards, artist signed cards, linens, airbrushed, silk, leather & more. Large collection of vintage fruit crate labels, cigar & whiskey bottle labels, canned food labels dating from 1910-1950. Victorian trade and advertising cards, antique Valentines cards, vintage marble collection. For catalog & on-line bidding:
Coming February 4th & 5th
Lifetime Estate Sale
340 Leavitt Ln., Grants Pass
Sale includes: 1999 Lincoln Town Car with 71,000 miles, Oak dining room table with four chairs, 1990 Schafer & Sons Upright piano-mint, early 1900’s English sideboard with mirror, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table. Six sided oak table, Eastlake walnut armchairs, Cabriolet arm chairs, Couches, Mahogany bowfront tall dresser, Mahogany 4 poster bed, Floral settee, Savonarola chair, Lawyers bookcase, Hiroshige Woodblock print, Herni Fourday Color Litho, Bessie Pease print, large collection of Knowles Norman Rockwell Plates, costume jewelry, Two sets of china, antiques, figurines, electronics, garden statuary, office desk & supplies, tools, lawn & garden, Craftsman rollaway tool chest, generator, Sears fridge, folding chairs & lots more.
Wall Auctioneers Moves to New Location
Wall Auctioneers is excited to announce our move to a bigger & better location in order to serve the auction & liquidation needs of the Rogue Valley. We are now located at 2338 S. Pacific Hwy, right across the street from Bear Creek Golf course and Roxy Ann Lanes. Along with our auction sales, we will be adding a retail showroom open to the public two days a week! We will be opening shortly, so check back here for exact dates
Merry Christmas to All and A Happy New Year!
Wall Auctioneers wants to thank you for your patronage during the past year. Despite the overall economic woes, we have grown over the past year and anticipate greater growth in the year to come. You have all made this possible. We hope to bring you some of the best auctions & estate sales in 2011. Watch our calendar of events. We have numerous events in January including two estate sales and an great antique auction.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year!
See you in 2011