Two day auction of Antique Dealer & Collector
We had to push this auction sale out a week because
of the large volume of antiques & fine art.
February 26th & 27th Sat. & Sun.
Begins 10:00am Sat. 2/26
and 1:00pm Sun. 2/27
330 N. Fir, Medford
PREVIEW: Friday 2/25 1-6pm & Sat. 2/26 8-10amAM
Large collection of long time collector & dealer will be sold.
Contents of antique store and personal collection.
Below is a partial list of items.
Good selection of antique clocks: Sessions Victorian Mantle clock, Walnut Box Regulator, 18th C. American Cherrywood Tall Case(Grandfather) Clock, 1950 Westerstand guilt wood cartel clock, Mid 19th C. French Mantle Clock, Ingraham “Adrian” Mantle Clock, Black Slate Mantle Clock, Small Portico Clock
Furniture: Drop front secretary, English oak breakfront, English curio cabinet, Marble top nightstand, Mahogany console cabinet, ornate Victorian armchair, Octagonal side table by Baker, pair of Civil war era chairs, Victorian walnut slipper chair
Porcelain: Limoges, Royal Bayreuth, Noritake, Wedgwood, collection of Pickard including:( double handled tray, art nouveau bowl, 3 footed bowl, gold shell dish, footed bowl, 12.5″ pierced handled dish), Royal Heidelberg, Wheeling Decorating Company gold oval dish, Haviland gold demtasse, collection of Royal Doulton toby jugs,
Jewelry: Sterling silver, costume, Giovanni Cerrito pin & earrings, Kramer of New York, Hobe Majorca pearl necklace, Bakelite bracelet, lots of rhinestone jewelry, silver rings,
Misc.: 20″ tall circa 1900 German mohair teddy bear, Old bottle collection, 9 sets of antique bookends, numerous large & ornate gold gilded mirrors, beaded purses, Spelter Putti, Brass Olympiad candlestick, salt & pepper collection, vintage fish gear, Victorian velvet photo album, Clipper ship models, wood carvings, alabaster dresser boxes, Collection of Victorian trade cards
Books: Collection of large art books on: Rembrandt, Renoir, Gaugin, Van Gogh and French Impressionism
Glass: L.C.Tiffany mini favrile cabinet vase, Rare Victorian Figural Epergne, Lalique paperweights, Custard, Carnival, Pressed, Cut, Handblown, Amethyst, Ruby, Czech, Cased, Bohemian, Crystal, Fenton, Heisey, Tiara, Depression
Pottery: English Ironstone, Blue willow, Flow Blue,Mason’s
Asian: 26″ Polychrome painted covered urn, pair of 18″ blue & white covered urns, good group of small mudmen figurines, jade & stone carvings, cloisonne,
Art: Many framed and signed vintage artworks. Oil paintings, etchings, watercolors, prints, engravings. Vintage platinum photographic print,a partial list of artist will be forthcoming.
Bronzes: Numerous small bronzes including Joan D’Arc, greek figures
Lighting: Brass candlelamp with glass & tin shade, 18″ dia, stained glass lamp, Arts & Crafts style desk lamp, double arm ornate brass lamp
Silver: Richard Crosley, George III(1787) sterling berry spoons in case, Large quantity of mid 19th to mid 20th century silverplate holloware, napkin rings, sterling candle snuffer
- 1916 Christmas Calendar page in good Pie Crust frame
- Carved ivory horse & Alaskan walrus seal
- Companion chromolithograph in ornate oval frame
- Slate Mantle Clock
- Hand painted Pickard
- Custard Glass figural cherub compote
- Pair of 1920’s candlesticks
- Oil on canvas “European scene” unsigned
- Sessions Mantle clock
- Spanish pearls for Hobe
- European etching, signed
- Lalique Tall Ship paperweight- signed
- 19th C. Bourbon decanter
- 3 handled Czech demi
- Opalescent geometric vase
- Early 20th C. Crystal candlesticks
- 8.5 inch Wedgwood “Dancing Hours” plaque
- Haviland gold demi
- Pickard
- 19th C. Oil on board signed G.J. “Setters”
- Decorated vintage ironstone
- Early postal scale
- Arts & Crafts style lamp
- Signed Martin Tobias limited edition litho 53/250 “Growth”
- Large mudman
- Carved coat of arms wooden plaque
- Tiffany & Co.
- Marble top nightstand
- Wheeling Decorator Company oval dish
- Watercolor
- Signed George Rodrigue *A Dream Fulfilled” poster in fine frame
- 18 inch Tiffany style stained glass lamp
- Goya Giclee type print”El Quitasol”
- Georgene Mollanden 1988 Oil on board
- pair of 18 inch Blue & white exportware covered urns
- Chinese porcelain figurine of 3 children carrying a peach
- 3 footed Pickard bowl
- Candlelamp with tin shade
- Walnut Box Regulator
- Royal Doulton
- Grass 1975 “Paris” Oil on canvas
- 12″ heavy cut crystal vase
- Pink depression glass covered bowl
- 12 inch Spelter Cupid
- 19th C. color engraving
- Vintage Giovanni pin & earrings
- 19th C. Viking ship painting
- Italian ceramic tarot centerpiece & box
- Lalique Ram paperweight-marked
- Tiara Glass covered elephant dish
- Pickard
- Asian Porcelain Figurines
- Signed Kaiko Moti(West Indian Artist) engraving-large & very fine
- Sterling Rings
- 9 inch English transferware pitcher
- Westerstrand Swedish cartel clock
- Ingraham mantle clock
- Large cameo pin
- 11 inch heavy cut crystal bowl
- Group of smaller mudmen
- Small German Portico style clock
- Portico clock
- 18th C. Indenturement Decree
- Mini gold flecked glass compotes
- 19th C. chromolithograph print in oak frame
- Bertolini Oil on canvas
- Victorian Epergne
- Platinum print photograph
- Pickard
- 16 inch Deco style vase
- Pickard
- Rare Victorian Epergne
- Green onyx & brass
- Polychrome painted large covered urn
- Chromolithograph in ornate oval frame
- 21+ inch Early 1900’s German golden mohair teddy bear with growler
- Victorian Velvet Photo Album
- Small European oil painting
- Italian Cased glass 18 inches
- French Mantle clock
- Bottle collection- pharmacy, whiskey, most embossed, some dated
- Pickard double handled dish
- Austrian ironstone spittoon